Southgate HC is hosting an all-day England Hockey umpiring course on January 4, 2020. It’s open to members and non-members so be quick and sign up before it fills up.The deadline is December 25, 2019 or until full so don’t delay and book your place online here http://hockeyhub.
The cost is £50.00 but that is refundable to members after a reasonable commitment to umpiring has been displayed. Seniors, juniors, masters, beginners and experienced players are all welcome. It’s a great way to learn the rules, do your bit for the club and your captain, own your own cards and whistle, get a kick out of playing a good advantage and even just get out of the house after an intense Christmas. But hurry up; these courses fill up very fast.
Interested? Follow the link http://hockeyhub., do the on-line rules test while you learn the rules https://hockeyhub. you can even do it with two browsers open switching between questions and answers.
Don’t hesitate to contact Mark Langley or umpire secretary Justin Edwards https://hockeyhub. with any questions.
What is required:
1. Register on EH website:
2. Do the on-line rules test (multichoise, multiguess, while you learn the rules:
3. Print the certificate.
4. Attend the course approx 0900-1600 on 4 January 2020.
5. Contact Mark Langley or Justin Edwards ( southgatehc.umpires@gmail.
6. Once ready (1-3 games) do the Level 1 practical assessment.
7. Update your CV.