The W4’s set off for their 2.30pm pushback at Old Merchant Taylor school on Saturday afternoon.

Whilst the team settles in to the second half of the season with some familiar faces, some Southgate returners and some new juniors pulling through the ranks, we were ready to fight for a much needed and deserved win!

Having been newly promoted this season into London Div 3 North, only having gained 10 points in the season so far, the 4s were ready to get some more points and prove their spot in this league.

Local-ish rivals OMT were our opposition and we knew going into this it would never be an easy win, if a win at all!

Coming off the back of one of our best training sessions this season, we brought the intensity through to the weekend, we had a game plan, we prepped and oh did we deliver!

The W4’s is such a wonderful team to be a part of, getting to bring through our future talent from the junior section is incredibly rewarding and also very helpful (as they have the speedy legs many of us are grateful for them bringing along each week!).

This season the W4’s have got an absolutely smashing bunch of girls! I am so incredibly proud of each and everyone one of them this past weekend. I saw a fight, an urgency and a WANT to win in each and every one of them! They did not stop running, working for their team, asking questions when unsure and giving 150% every second of the game! These girls were hungry for the win and a real first show of the exciting future they have ahead of them playing Women’s hockey!

Massive shout out this week has to go to our Woman of the Week, Daisy North, your first game in the W4’s and I think still in your first few games of Woman’s hockey ever, you absolutely smashed it! Coming in as a defender, and taking on the challenge of playing up front, not a worry in the world, you literally threw yourself head first into the challenge and you were rewarded for it by scoring our winning goal!! Well Done! Honestly – this is what we love the most about bringing new U18’s into the Women’s section!

I can’t not throw mention to all the other U18’s, only just over 18 Erin, our GK, who you can see from the photo was the MOST happy with this outcome, could not stop saying what a great game it was to watch from the back, you did us proud! Some epic saves, and your confidence just thriving!

Lara and Amba, consistently turning up each week for the 4’s since the start of the season, this was your week you two! You played hard, you won those 50/50’s and I really saw that fighting spirit in you both!

Asha and Freya, our newest recruits since Christmas, outstanding! Freya your vision on and off the ball is next level! Asha, the confidence you have gained in just a few games is unmatched, you took on roles in defence and on the forward line and eagerly wanted to learn and get stuck in, that goal was coming for you!!

Finally and I leave the best for last, our adults, our experience and our die hard’s!

Otto – you ran that pitch from start to finish, corner to corner, I would love to know what distance you covered!

Zoe – THANK YOU for bringing teacher Zoe along to support, your enthusiasm and encouragement to the kids and adults is contagious and you have made such an impact in this team in the few weeks you have been in it on your great return to the pitch! Also, your (drag) flick goal assisted by Freya was our comeback goal and the goal we needed to get the game going to feed the win!

Maz – I don’t think I have seen a game like this from you ever, Zoe and I couldn’t contain ourselves on the side of the pitch with some of your tackles in the game! Honestly, fantastic! Your work rate every week is unmatched!

Kathy, Jo and Megan, our die hard’s, you guys held the defence for us this week and we thank you for it, one of our key takings into the game this week was our transition and without you guys keeping the cool to get that ball out of the back line, it would have been a different outcome.

Final big mention to all the AMAZING parents that come out and support us every week! Thank you Sandra for the videos of both our goals too! See below!

THANK YOU EVERYONE, it was a wonderful game of hockey and reminded me why I love this sport, team and club so much! We’ve got this! Our comeback is upon us!

If you have made it this far through my fan-girling at this wonderful team, well done to you too! We will be playing at HOME this coming weekend 12.00 on the sand if you want to support, we could always do with all the encouragement on the sideline!

Zoe’s Goal with assist from Freya

Daisy’s Goal that took us into the lead