Southgate HC 18-86 Programme that’s new isn’t it?
Correct! At the end of last season the committee decided to create a programme to help us keep in touch with ‘graduates’ of Southgate’s successful junior section as they set off on new adventures away from the club.
We have ‘graduates’?
Yes, there are former Southgate players in their teens and early 20s at universities in cities in the UK and abroad: Birmingham, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Leeds, Loughborough, Montreal, Nottingham, Southampton, York…
Why 18-86?
As most of you know, the club was founded in 1886 and we have members of our senior section who are over 80. Don’t worry, though we won’t ask them to stop playing once they hit 87!
So what is the programme all about?
If you’re a recent leaver – or just about to leave – then we ask your permission to stay in touch, invite you back to play at Christmas and have a social gathering. Remember those?
Anything else?
Loads! Before players head off we can introduce them to Southgate alumni already playing at their chosen uni (where there are any!) Get our alumni to play summer hockey back at Southgate in the holidays. Give them access to training/pre-season training when they’re back for holidays from their studies/lounging on beaches in a gap year. We’ll follow their hockey career on social media/publish updates in the newsletters and even send you our regular club newsletters.
I’m in, but I’ll probably be broke, have loads of debt and no job. Can you help?
Of course! We can offer you reduced fees for membership when you return from your sojourn in academia!
We’ve also got some of our returned alumni enhancing their job prospects and passing on their knowledge coaching teams at Southgate.
And if you make any friends while you are away we can give you a referral bonus for introduction of a new member.
There’s also assistance with kit on your return from your studies – (details to be decided).
So you’ll wash my kit for me?
No, you’ll be a grown up by then and will have learnt how to use a washing machine. We expect to be able to give you a reduced price on some new Southgate playing kit though as you won’t be a skinny teenager anymore 😉
Sounds great! I can’t wait to go away so I can come back again. Who do I get in touch with?
We’d love to hear from you, anyone you know who has left, is leaving, or is coming back at